December 15, 2008

Poultry Joke #2

Last night I was talking with my sweet mother-in-law and she mentioned that she didn't get my chicken joke. Obviously. And she said that most of what I write is too difficult for her to understand and asked if when I wrote if I was really only thinking of Americans (or English speakers in general.) And of course the answer is yes. I only started doing this so that a handful of friends and family back home could share in this wacky wonderful adventure with me. I have no skill or ability to do it in Portuguese and as much as I love living here and speaking the language, writing in Portuguese is like #1,892 on my list of things I enjoy doing...

But in fairness to the handful of Portuguese speaking readers that check in here occasionally, I give you Chicken Joke #2.

dum da da dum......

"Com pinto de fora"


(Okay you English speakers... "pinto" = a baby chick, but doubles as another of the myriad of words in Portuguese for that certain male body part. and "de fora" = outside, or out. So, those with a dirty mind can think what they like. I of course only thought of puppies.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lovely Dharam,

ExpatBrazil here. Just found your Blog. Impressive. You've taken all the photos I've been too lazy to do over the last 20 years. :-)

I added you to my Blog Roll page under Minas Gerais - Rural Area. I assume you are in southern Minas.

Abraço, ExpatBrazil

lovelydharma said...

Hi! Thanks so much! Juiz de Fora (Cariocas in the swamp as they call it...)and o Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca actually. We'll have to get up to visit Goias someday!

Anonymous said...

Added Juiz de Fora you Blog Roll notice. Let me know if you don't want that to appear. Will go back to "rural Minas".

Laural Out Loud said...

I thought your chicken butt joke was pretty funny. I laughed out loud at work, so that should mean something, lol (again). I have an inner 7 year old as well.